Physical Therapy Board of California
US-Educated PT/PTA Applicant — New Graduate
Application Fees
Physical Therapist
Application Processing Fee: $300
The application processing fee is nonrefundable.
The ILF is for your initial California licensure period, which is the time between your initial license issuance and your first renewal. This fee is required of all applicants regardless if you are licensed in another jurisdiction or previously held a California license.
Physical Therapist Assistant
Application Processing Fee and Initial License Fee: $300
This fee is nonrefundable. The ILF is for your initial California licensure period, which is the time between your
initial license issuance and your first renewal. This fee is required of all applicants regardless if you are licensed
in another jurisdiction or previously held a California license.
Other Fees
Fingerprint Fee: $49
The fingerprint card processing fee payment is only required if you submit a fingerprint card for
your application. If you are doing a Live Scan, you do not need to submit a fingerprint fee to the
PTBC. You'll pay the processing and preparation fees at the Live Scan site.