Physical Therapy Board of California
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Contact the Board at:
California Toll Free Line:
1 (800) 832-2251
(916) 561-8215
Submit Complaint Online
Follow the instructions below to assist in your online complaint submission:
- Complete the appropriate Authorization for Release of Patient Health Information forms before starting the online complaint submission process to reduce the possibility of “time-out” issues while submitting your complaint.
- Select the Continue to BreEZe Online Services button at the bottom of this page, which will bring you to the following page:
- Select the File a Complaint button located under the Consumers heading on the left column of the page.

Please be advised this online complaint form is used to file complaints against multiple licensed professionals of all boards, bureaus, and committees within the Department of Consumer Affairs. As such, not all questions will be applicable to your complaint. Please be sure to include at least the following information (if known):
- Incident address
- Name, address, and telephone number of the individual the complaint is about
- Reason for treatment
- Dates of treatment
- Patient name and date of birth
- Your relationship to the patient
- Nature of the complaint
- Name, address, and treatment date(s) of any health care professionals who provided subsequent treatment for the same condition
- Complainant information (please see information below about anonymous complaints)
Note: Except for the name of the physical therapist/physical therapist assistant, all information requested is voluntary, but failure to provide the requested information may delay or prevent the investigation of your complaint. The information on the complaint form will be used in part to determine whether a violation of state law or regulation has occurred. If a violation is substantiated, the information may be transmitted to other government agencies, including the Attorney General's Office.
Anonymous Complaints
A complaint can be filed anonymously; however, keep in mind it is very difficult to investigate an anonymous complaint. Should PTBC not be able to obtain information regarding the alleged violations, the case may have to be closed since there is no one to question for further details. Also, if medical records are required, the patient’s name will have to be disclosed to the licensee in order to release records to PTBC. If you wish to file a complaint and have your name kept confidential, that may be arranged; however, should the matter go to an administrative hearing you may be called on to testify and your name will be disclosed.