Physical Therapy Board of California

Board Members

Karen Brandon P.T., DSc, Professional Member
Karen Brandon PT, DSc PT
Appointed by the Governor
Assumed Office:
Term Expires:

Karen R. Brandon, of Redlands, has been appointed to the Physical Therapy Board of California. Dr. Brandon has been Regional Clinical Lead in Pelvic Physical Therapy at Kaiser Permanente since 2009 and Clinical Faculty at Loma Linda University since 2000. She was Assistant Director of Physical Rehabilitation at Beaver Medical Group from 1998 to 2007. Dr. Brandon was in private practice in the Inland Empire from 2007 to 2009. She is a member of the board of the International Pelvic Pain Society, has served as the Southwest Regional Representative for the Academy of Pelvic Health Physical Therapy, also as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee chair for the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health, and is a member of California Physical Therapy Association. She earned a Master of Science degree in Physical Therapy and a Doctor of Science degree in Physical Therapy from Loma Linda University. She is a board–certified clinical specialist in women's health physical therapy.
Katarina Eleby
Samuel Qiu
Vice President
Appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly
Assumed Office:
Term Expires:

Samuel Qiu, of Sierra Madre, CA was appointed to the Physical Therapy Board of California by the Speaker of the Assembly. Qiu has been Chairman of the board of directors of the Asian Business Association (ABA) since 2007, representing ABA as a member of the city of Los Angeles Metro Transportation Business Advisory Council, the Caltrans Statewide Small Business Council, and the Los Angeles Unified School District Small Business Advisory Counsel. Qiu also served from 2011 to 2014 as a commissioner of the California Health Facilities Financing Authority (CHFFA) appointed by the California Assembly Speaker. Qiu a certified public accountant (CPA) is the founder of QIU Accountancy Corporation, having over 30 years of accounting and consulting experience with specialties in healthcare, transportation not for profit organization and government.
Dayle Armstrong
Dayle C. Armstrong, PhD, PT, MS, DPT
Appointed by the Governor
Assumed Office:
Term Expires:

Dayle C. Armstrong, of San Dimas, has been a Physical Therapist at the Arcadia Unified School District since 2018 and owner of Armstrong Physical Therapy Practice since 1986. Armstrong is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association and Neuro–Developmental Treatment Association. She earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree in rehabilitation sciences from the University of Medical Sciences Arizona, a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from the Western University of Health Sciences and a Master of Science degree in physical therapy from the University of Southern California.
Katarina Eleby
Katarina V. Eleby, MA
Appointed by the Governor
Assumed Office:
Term Expires:

Katarina Victoria Eleby, of Carson, California was appointed by Governor Edmund Gerald Brown Jr. to the California Physical Therapy Board on May 29, 2013, and has served on the Board for 11 years. Ms. Eleby served as the president of the Board from 2016–2017 and as vice–president of the Board from 2020–2021. She also served as the delegate/alternate delegate for the Federation of State Board of Physical Therapy from 2014–2016, 2018 and 2022. Ms. Eleby was the manager of operations at the African American Board Leadership Institute from 2012–2017. She was a volunteer for Karen Bass for Congress in 2012 and executive co–chair for the International Studies Student Association at California State University, Long Beach in 2011. Ms. Eleby also served as an intern in the Office of California State Assembly Speaker Karen Bass in 2010. This position does not require Senate confirmation.
Tonia McMillian
Tonia McMillian
Appointed by the Senate Rules Committee
Assumed Office:
Term Expires:

Tonia McMillian is a resident of Compton, CA who was appointed to the Physical Therapy Board on March 16, 2016. She is a retired Early Care and Education Provider after 29 years of service. She currently works part–time for Black Californians for Early Care and Education, a statewide advocacy organization that centers its works on Black Early Educators, Black families, and Black communities. She is the National Secretary for the Service Employees International Union African American Caucus. Ms. McMillian was appointed by Governor Gavin Newsom as the Chair of the Early Childhood Policy Council Workforce Committee. She is a proud grandmother who continues to advocate for early education and children locally, statewide, and on the national platforms.

Alicia K. Rabena-Amen
Alicia K. Rabena-Amen PT, DPT
Appointed by the Governor
Assumed Office:
Term Expires:

Alicia Rabena–Amen of Stockton, was adjunct faculty at the University of the Pacific from 2014–2017 and became a full–time faculty member in 2018. She has been employed at Infinity Care Services Inc. since 2011 and was a senior physical therapist at Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento from 1998 to 2021. Rabena–Amen earned a Master of Arts Degree in physical therapy from Mount St. Mary's College in 1997 and a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree in 2017.
Alicia K. Rabena-Amen
Appointed by the Governor
Assumed Office:
Term Expires:


How and Why to Become a Board Member

As a physical therapist (PT) have you ever wondered how you can give back to your profession and help shape the future of Physical Therapy? Do you know a non–physical therapist interested in public service, who doesn't know how to begin the process? PTBC would like you to consider applying to become a member of the Physical Therapy Board of California (PTBC).

Board Information:PTBC is comprised of seven (7) members appointed by the Governor, Speaker of the Assembly, and the Senate Rules Committee.

  • The Governor appoints the four professional members and one public member
  • The Speaker of the Assembly appoints one public member
  • The Senate Rules Committee appoints one public member

Members are appointed to serve a four–year term, plus a one–year grace period. A member cannot exceed two full terms.

Board Status: Currently, there are seven active members.

The Board meets four times per year, plus a strategic planning meeting. There may also be additional committee and task force meetings. Members also conduct business with staff via mail. The meetings themselves are usually 1–2 days.

What does it take to be a great board member?It takes an interest in making a difference, a willingness and commitment to actively participate in the process, a lot of patience, courage to voice your opinion (even when it's unpopular), knowing when to compromise, and ability to see all sides of an issue to form an objective opinion. You also need freedom in your schedule to attend meetings around the state.

So, how does one apply to become a member?

  • Professional members (PT's) can access the on–line application form on the Governor's website, OR, you can call or write the Governor's office, appointment secretary, to indicate your interest.
  • Public members can also apply using the above website, or contact their state Senator or Assemblyman.

Once you've applied, you'll be contacted for an interview, and the final selection will be made. If you have further questions about being a board member, please visit the Department of Consumer Affairs website.