Physical Therapy Board of California


2025 Board Meetings

Meeting Date Location Agenda/
Minutes Webcast
March 18-19, 2025 University of the Pacific Stockton, CA
June 25-27, 2025 Department of Consumer Affairs
2005 Evergreen St., Hearing Room
Sacramento, Ca 95815
September 22-24, 2025 Loma Linda University, Lima Linda, CA
December 11-12, 2025 Department of Consumer Affairs
2005 Evergreen St., Hearing Room
Sacramento, Ca 95815

  Board meeting dates and locations are subject to change

Information regarding specific meeting sites and the meeting agenda will be sent to interested parties and made available on the Board's web site as soon as they are available but no later than 10 days prior to the meeting.

  Licensees can obtain continuing competency credit for attending Board meetings

2 hours per meeting with a maximum of 8 hours per renewal period.

  All Board meetings are open to the public

Bagley-Keene Open Meetings Act sets forth the guidelines and requirements that all state boards and commissions must abide by. In accordance with the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act, all Board meetings are open to the public.

  The Board provides the opportunity for the public to address each agenda item

Pursuant to Government Code section 11125.7, the Board provides the opportunity for the public to address each agenda item during discussion or consideration by the Board prior to the Board taking any action on said item. Total time allocated for public comment on particular issues may be limited. Individuals may appear before the Board to discuss items not on the agenda.

  The Board can neither discuss nor take official action on any matter not included in this agenda

Except to decide to place the matter on the agenda of a future meeting. (Government Code sections 11125, 11125.7(a)).

  If the Board plans to webcast a meeting, it will be accessible on this website

Webcast availability cannot, however, be guaranteed due to limited resources or technical difficulties. The meeting will not be cancelled if webcast is not available. If you wish to participate or to have a guaranteed opportunity to observe, please plan to attend in person. Adjournment, if it is the only item that occurs after a closed session, may not be webcast.

  Meetings are accessible to all

A person who needs disability-related accommodation or modification to participate in the meeting may make a request. Submitting at least five (5) business days before the meeting will help to ensure availability of the requested accommodations. TDD Line: (916) 322- 1700.

For more information on how to participate in Administrative Procedures, Meetings, and Hearings, refer to the Bagley-Keene Open Meetings Act.