Physical Therapy Board of California

US-Educated PT/PTA Applicant — Endorsement

License Applicant Status (PTLA/PTALA)

You are not authorized to work as a physical therapist license applicant/physical therapist assistant license applicant (PTLA/PTALA) until you receive a notice from PTBC granting you license applicant status.

To be eligible for license applicant status, you must have:

  • A complete application with PTBC, except for the CAL-JAM score.
  • No criminal history or disciplinary action taken by another licensing jurisdiction against a professional license you hold.

Supervision requirements for applicants practicing under PTLA/PTALA status are set forth in California Code of Regulations (CCR) §§ 1399.10 and 1399.12.

Once PTBC grants you license applicant status, you may continue to work as a license applicant until PTBC issues you a regular, renewable license or otherwise terminates your privilege to work as a license applicant.

License applicant status may not be issued or will be terminated if the Board is notified of criminal history or discipline taken by another licensing jurisdiction against a professional license you hold. All criminal history reported as a result of the fingerprint background check is evaluated by PTBC’s Consumer Protection Services program to determine whether license applicant status may be granted.

The Authorization to Test (ATT) letter from the FSPBT does NOT grant you the ability to work as a license applicant.